Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blog #6

         Everyone lives a different life, therefore categorizes the things in their life differently from one another. People classify things by priority, how much they like something, moral values, relationships, or many other things. Personally, I classify things in my life by priority. I prioritize what I spend more time studying or working on in school. I prioritize who I spend more time with out of both my friends and family. I prioritize my time in general.
          When I'm at school, or working on homework, I do the work that is most important to get done first, and then continue on with my work as the due dates get farther away. Within my prioritizing, I don't only prioritize by due dates, but also by what is the easiest to do, and what I'm most comfortable with doing and understanding. For example, if I know in one night I  need to do Spanish homework, English homework, and chemistry homework, I'd do the Spanish first because it's the easiest and wouldn't take very long. Then I'd go on to my English because most homework is either nightly assignments, or assignments that are due soon, whereas my chemistry work usually isn't due for weeks at a time, so I'd do that last.
          The same idea for prioritizing goes for friends and family. I spend the time with whose most important first, then find other time for people who are distant family or maybe even just acquaintances. My immediate family and close friends are over everything and everyone else, because they're so important to me. They're all the reason I am where I am today and part of the reason I am who I am. Of course I do have other friends and family that I like to see, even though they aren't a main priority in my life.
          Prioritizing can be extremely stressful if you don't also manage your time wisely, because it's all about importance. If something, like maybe stretching your muscles to get your splits, is so important to you, you might not get anything else you need to do completed or done right until you reach whatever goal you're aiming for.
          No matter whether prioritizing works most successfully or not, to me it's the best method of classification in my own life. The value of importance effects everything in my life, everything I do. In my mind, if it's important it needs to be done. If it's not so important, it can wait.